Iron removal media
Silica sand based catalytic water filtration media that utilizes oxidation, absorption & filtration process to remove impurities.
Katalox Light is lighter than the other media, weighing in at sixty-six (66) pounds a cubic foot. It works in a pH range of 5.8 to 10 .5 and has a lifespan of 7 to 10 years. While the manufacturer rates their media at a much higher ability to remove iron, we limit it to 15 ppm of iron.
Birm or greensand
Another common method uses an oxidizing filter media known as
"greensand." A bed of greensand is comprised of manganese oxide
coated resin pellets or beads which provides both an oxidizing
environment and filtering capacity. Oxygen is released from the
manganese oxide coating to oxidize the dissolved iron in the raw
water passing through the bed. The oxidized iron particles are
trapped in the resin bed until removed during the backwash cycle
when the manganese oxide coating is regenerated with chlorine or
potassium permanganate.
The iron particles must be flushed out during the backwash cycle
so that the resin bed does not become clogged. Greensand systems
do not require high dissolved oxygen content but work best when
the water pH is above 7.5. These systems are popular when a
large volume of water is needed and the iron is not over ten to
twelve ppm.